Monday, November 18, 2013

The Morsel Stone Castle

As I strolled down the crumbling road in the land of the long white cloud, I faced a medieval castle. It had big green waters with a moat surrounding it. Swimming around in the moat were big green crocodiles with viscous eyes and rough leathery skin. As I walked round the side I spotted an ancient creaky bridge........
Suddenly I heard a creak coming from behind the tree. A tree branch snapped and a brown shiny colt came trotting out.
There was something strange about this colt. It staggered right across the bridge and the gate slowly made its way up to the top. The shiny colt ran inside. Now I felt that there was something REALLY strange about this place so I thought I needed to investigate more!
My challenge was held before me as I needed to find out what the secret of the Morsel stone castle was. The last person who approached this castle was said to have never returned. I must keep my wits me in about this place. If I am going to investigate more I need to get the proper equipment. I will need a shiny silver sword, a pair of scissors, rope and a satchel.
As I made my way to the bridge I could already feel my legs trembling with fear! Soon I found myself in the lair of the witch, Miss Warnta. Her green pointy nose sticks out like a fire hose. Her green warts look like green lady bugs. I think in my head, "Am I ready to approach this beast?"
My foot curves round to meet the wobbly bridge. I clutch my fist as I hold on for dear life. This is a time were I need to feel skinny and as light as a feather. Then suddenly I heard a scream of terror coming from the inside of the mysterious castle. I slowly prepare to back away slowly but I accidentally miss my step and fall.........
But suddenly a handsome knight saves me and I get chucked up upon his dark silky horse, who happens to look a little bit like the colt I had seen earlier. But I fall under the handsome knights spell as he takes his helmet off and flicks his hair around like Justin Beaver.
But I know there is something strange about this horse so I jump off and dash back to the castle. As I near closer I begin to see the dark shadow of the tall slinky castle. Its dark rusty outside seems to faint in the darkness. Also there is a dark swampy moat around the outside. If you look closely you can see the slime slithering around the edges. I slowly drifted from the moat and I start to focus my concentration on the woods. I feel like I need to stay the night in the woods to figure out more. But......
Wartna, the evil witch, stops me in my tracks. She speaks softly and as her disgusting breath reaches my face I feel like I should shrivel up and die. I slunk my way up the tall green hill. I reach the top and I begin to feel like a prisoner. Her soft croaky voice begins to speak.
"Now child you have been sneaking around my castle. Is that right?"
"Who said I have to talk," I replied fiercely.
"Guards!!" she shrieked.
My heart was now pounding hard against my chest but then suddenly two small dwarfs came toddling out of a small secret door.
"Hello. I come in peace!" yells the number one dwarf.
"My name is Paycee and this is my partner, number two dwarf, Parlotte. We are from planet Pluto,"
"Stop talking," Wartna screams.
The dwarfs slowly creep closer to me. Suddenly a knight, with warts all over his face, smashed through the door.
Quickly in a flash Wartna throws a sword. A pause in remembrance fills the room. I was thinking in my head what courage he had. He was trying to save me. His head drops to the ground with a thud. His body dangles in the ceiling. The silence passes.
As fast as you could say supercalifragilisticexpeelladosish Calli ate a yogurt that has 6 double cherries with strawberry's on top. Another prince comes dashing through the doors. He has short scrubby hair and the voice of a goblin. He whips out a plastic sword. He aims. Then he throws it at my chains. The small plastic blades skims my body as I try to ruffle free. We quickly make a runner. We slowly slowed down our pace
(he was a fast runner). He stopped and looked me in the eyes.
He said, "What is your name princess?"
I reply in a soft innocent voice, "Allila."
"Well I'm prince Dodo the 3rd."
We rushed off into the woods. If we wanted to survive we needed to find some supplies.
I said to the prince, "Stay here your majesty. I will go and find some food."
"But wait" he replied, "I need to come for your protection."
"Look here. I need food desperately. I can't afford to fumble around with a prince."
" OK. As you wish princess."
I needed to run to the sour cherry tree. They were good energy. I picked some red plump cherries. I packed my satchel full of them and I raced back to where the prince was lying on a rock day dreaming.
"Yo princess!" I shouted to him.
"Oh me lady. You made it back alive!"
"Of course I did. I'm a trained survivalist."
They gobbled up the cherries. They were not very long lasting but they needed all they energy they could get! As they trampled on their way, they stumbled across a dark mysterious haunted cottage. I wanted to investigate more but little princess prince wanted to stay back.
"OK. I'll stay here."
"Fine by me."
So the door creaked open and I slowly peered inside.
"Ahh," I screamed.
A dashing prince came rumbling out.
"Hello. Why how beautiful you are princess,"
"Well you're not bad yourself,"
A moment of embracing was disturbed as whiny baby prince was back.
"But we were going to live happily ever after princess," he exclaimed.
"Sorry but not any more. Prince William the 3rd is my true love!"
Prince William the 3rd and Allila Harrison rode off into the sunset on their new horse called Ian!



Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Goblin story

"Harry," shouts Mrs Goblin,
"Get ready for work!"
Harry is an only goblin. He has been brought up by his mother goblin.
Harry has a job and that is to spy on a princess. His job is to do this because his mother used to be a beautiful blonde princess, But then a slight bad move made her guards turn her into a dirty mucky Goblin. Harry has brown spiky hair and vicious teeth drooling saliva.
One stary dark night Harry climbed out of bed and slipped on his spying mask and crept to the princess's door way. The guards were marching back and forward. Meanwhile Harry sat on the doorstep and listened  to her father speak in his soft quiet squeaky voice. He was saying words that ran through the goblins mind many times.
Suddenly a ferocious thought came into his mind. He thought the next noon he would sneak into the princess's lair and steal her. But first Harry needed to buy his own house. Leaping about the toadstool factory, he spotted a bright red toadstool. He really liked the look of it so he took a peep inside. Fumbling about he managed to find a suitable price. He spoke to the clerk.
"Where shall I buy this from?"
"Go inside," his rough grumbly voice replied with.
So Harry went inside and wrote a check for $100,000. He walked off happily. Now was the time for the big move. He crept up too the big brown bulky door. His ear popped with excitement. He knew the moment was now.
SMASH ... the door flung onto the ground with a thud. Harry sprinted inside, put his hands around her waist and made a runner out. He slowly made his way back to his house. He slid the princess onto the couch and said, "You may now speak."
"Why do you have me here?" she exclaimed.
"Silly princess. You are going to live with me now," he replied softly.
"OK then," she said calmly.
By Hannah

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lamb and Calf Day Story

Chapter 1!*

Hello i'm Jimmy.
Hi i'm Tom.
We are 99 years old and we have been best friends since we were 10 years old!

Chapter 2!*

“ Hey Jimmy remember that time when.......”

“Ohh yeah that time” ....... “ Wait what time”,
I bet you're all wondering, about what time we are talking about!

Chapter 3!*

You see Jimmy and I are 99 years old and we are looking through all of our old photo albums remembering all the good times we had! We will share a few great memories that we have had together!

Chapter 4!*

“ Hey Jimmy remember when we were on the Titanic. The big boss, Liem had SOME courage to set the ship to collide with that big shiny rock!
“Ohh yeah that was in the year 1912” explained Tom
Now that was a amazing experience!!
The whole ship looked like it was shredded into half!
WOW it feels like it happened just yesterday!

Chapter 5!*

Hey Jimmy it so exhausting  talking about great memories,
Do you want a cup of tea?

Chapter 6!*

“Now while old Tom is making us a cupa lets talk about that time when me and Tom went to Rainbows end!

Chapter 6!*

The little trout were jumping about in the nice fresh clear water.  
And the eels were squirming about in the murky dark water! There mouths stretched open wide and soon they were munching on a crawly!
But then when Tom leaned over and tried to pat the eel it jumped up and bit him in the Nose.
Tom shrieked in pain!

Chapter 7!*

Old Jimmy had to act quickly!
He quickly got him in the car and drove him straight to the hospital!
He went quickly into emergency room and got a plaster stuck on his nose and then he had to wear a plaster on his nose for 2 weeks!
“ Ahh Sush Jimmy” Shouted Tom
“ Its embarrassing!” He firmly said to Jimmy!

Chapter 8!*

In 99 years so much can happen!
Well i hope that we will get to share some more stories to later!
Thank you for letting us share our good times!!
I hope that when you are old that you will share some good times too!!!

Chapter 9!*

Now those were good times!
I hope that we have showed you that it doesn't matter how old you are you can always fell young to tell stories about your life!

Chapter 10!*


Tom Kraing-
Died in 2015 on October the 1st at the age of 102!
Jimmy Jaspers-
Died in 2015 on November the 27th at the age of 102!

Best Buds till the day they Died!
They are buried together just like their life together!

They loved all of their life!

The End!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


As we slowly creep through the forest the glistening white mountain rains ahead! Suddenly when we reach the top we had to stop in a hurry because we had to park all the way at the back the cars were all lined up!
Slowly we trampled up the stairs and into the Crowded room!
As I take of my gumboots anzity kicks in about how horrible it feels to put the tight Ski boots on!
The lady asked me polity to put my foot in the measure Plank!
When I got handed my ski boots the tension was warming up as I slowly slid them on! Walking in them filled my toes with pain!
Finally I reached to ski section I put my other boot on the counter and a lady fitted some skis for me.Finally last but not least I grabbed some poles and of I went!  Without thinking I clicked in my skies and of I went down the beginners slope!
Mrs Fielder was waiting at the top of the magic carpet and said to me go and meet Chonne up there,  She will take you up the chairlift for your lesson! As we slowly moved towards the chairlift the chairlift came for towards us! We were sliding up the mountain!
Suddenly we were dangling above, the chairlift had stopped and we were swaying in  the wind! We were as scared as a deer that heard a gun shot!
Suddenly then again the chairlift was moving again!
" I bet that it was Tyler that forgot to hop of at the end" Exclaimed Chonne!
" Yeah that's most likely" I replied!
Finally we reached the end and shuffled forward and then we released the bar and then our skis reached the ground and so did our poles! A sigh of relief was amungst us and we had finally reached the ground again!
We meet our instructor at the top and soon enough we were of and we were doing turns down by the pommel lift slowly we were coming up the pommel and back down! Soon he was already taking us up to the Giant I was very scared as I had only ever been up the Giant Once!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

2013 Speech values of life

As humans we like to believe we are the smartest, The greatest, the best. But is this a good thing! What if we weren't the smartest?
If we disrespected the value of life ... or the value of education our lives could be very different.  When you are noticed as smart do you feel appreciated or is it just another regular day for you.
Well I’m here to explain my version of this world and the values we shouldn’t take for granted! Let me describe another possible version of our world.

Now everybody close your eyes and look into the future and imagine there is a Liondog. It is smarter than you! You didn't ace the spelling bee or you didn't win the mathex competition because of this silly little smart proud Liondog! Do we really need to feel the pressure of this shame? NO.
Now pretend you are in the grocery shop and you expect more change but the shopkeeper says, “No 1+1 = 2 not 3.” Or maybe they say to you are you hallucinating, because they think you are so ... Un smart!
When you think about it, when kids learn at school the only competition they have is other kids from other schools! Certainly not the competition of a Liondog!

Where would humans stand if there was another species that was smarter than us.
Would we be in control?
Or maybe we wouldn't want to be in control?
Would our ideas have any input on the earth?
We wouldn’t have any control over what decisions were made because the smartest is usually very careful with decisions. Where would we be on the food chain? Maybe they might start selling kid kebabs or maybe Dad drink Or EVEN FEET food! I mean since we used to be the smartest and learnt to go hunting and fishing ... maybe they might learn that to. WE might be dinner or killed for no reason. Or maybe we might be put in cages and owned like our pets! We might even get really weird names! Would we have to get smarter to get jobs ... because if you don't know what you're doing you're not going to get paid! And we need to get paid to look after our families and to make sure we can get food and live in a house! What if the government didn't let us have any say about what we do and when things are going to happen!

Would we have conflict! I mean anything could happen if we didn't get along, Maybe our world might turn into the hunger games. How unfair! We wouldn’t get a choice to fight but we would do it for our pride. This might cause a war between the two species and what if that species over populated the world. How could we possibly want to live in a world where we were known as DUMB. Nations conflict worldwide shows that conflict has meant many deaths in our nations. But it has mostly been between different states arguing about nuclear bombs! Would we like it if many years of conflict affected our children’s learning and getting on with life! NO!
Or do we want to live in a world with arguing or being called DUMB! NO!
How would you feel? Because I would feel like I had no point in being in this world!
So don’t underestimate others around you
Who knows .. they might pop up and be smarter than you!
Respect others
Respect the value of education
Respect the value of life

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Living the lonely life!

Hamish and Katie were Brother and Sister, They got along well but Katie was very bossy to Hamish./
There Parents had Heart attacks when a Dinosaur invaded the jungle many years ago and Hamish and Katie were Babies and have lived together since! They were going to be adventurers They loved living in the jungle but it was hard growing up without there parents!
One Day they went for an adventure to the back of the jungle to find some coconut trees to plant beside there house. They Gather there stuff and there snake called Harry and set of!
As they stumbled trough the jungle a secret passage caught there eyes. They wonder over and investigate they door the revel the secret code and suddenly the door creaks open! They creep in, and the sound of darkness and emptiness startalls Hamish. He is a bit of a Wimpy kid!
" Are you sure that we will find directions to the end Katie"
" I'm Sure the books tell it all and were the map is and it said right about............"
WOW the old wrinkled map stood in front of them.
" Quickly they scrambled out of the passage with the map in there hands.
The Map read directions to the end of the jungle Katie being the oldest she carried the map, Hamish  followed in footsteps. They rambled around in there pockets trying to find there compass!
The jungle was very overgrown  and bushy  so they had to walk carefully!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Moneys no problem plan!


We travel down to Tahapi and we try the Bungie jump and the flying fox!

We go to Mt Ruapahu and spend the day skiing and snowboarding and while were there we have a go at sledding!

On our journey back to Apiti we stop at a Fancy resteront in Oakuni and decide weather to  
get Roast Duck Breast with salad and dressing and smoked salmon on the side or my favorite Bret o Wraps!
And for desert we have chocolate self saucing pudding with caramel dressing with rainbow ice cream!


We go to palmy and do ten pin bowling and laser tag and glow in the dark mini golf! we also for breakfast get some fizzy drinks!


on our way back to Apiti we stopped at the dairy and had lollies and ice cream for pudding and we went over to the Chelty pub and grabbed some fish and chips!


We drive up to Makoura lodge and had breakfast there and played a couple games of pool!

Then we went up to Sixtist lodge and did a horse trek we went through the bushes and went through some creeks and came back to Sixtist lodge and had a yummy lunch of Cow Rump with carrot soup with Crossonts!

We drove back to Apiti and on  the way we saw that they were doing touch rugby night so we went and joined in and we had a BBQ Dinner and I taught Charlotte to play rugby!


We drove to Palmy and had a shopping day at the Plaza!  I told Charlotte to meet me back here in 5 hours and i gave her 7 million dollars and we both separated and shopped till we dropped!
When we meet back  there i asked what she had got Ipod touch- Car- X box 360- Puffer Jacket- New shoes- Ice creams- And all the cool things I had the same things as her so then we tried to fit it all in Our new cars they were Black Koga's!

We went to the Aka bar and had a really nice lunch and then went to the regent and watched gang  show!

On our way back to Apiti AGAIN! we went to the BP station and filled up our brand new cars and bought some treats for the family we also got some wraps from kebab for tea!


we had nutella on toast with a Milo and then drove to wellington !

We went to tepapa and went to the music maker place and went to the zoo!

 we drove to palmy and stayed at my mums motel auybn court!


We go to Fielding to watch our kids netball and then we go to focal point for some lunch!

We went to the esplanade and had a play there and went to the cafe and got big ice creams!

We drive back to Apiti and have a home cooked meal Charlotte cooked chicken drumsticks with american juice!


We had a special breakfast because it was Charlotte's last day here so we had French toast and watched some tv!

We go on the farm and play with all the animals and have a picnic by the river!

We helped Charlotte pack up all her stuff and had a nice roast for tea and then we drove Charlotte to the airport and got some McDonald's  for pudding then said GOODBYE!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


One day James Short was walking to school he was excited about today because they were going to learn maths with marbles! He was really fond of marbles the were round and they shone in the sun. But they were also dangerously small and if you choked on one it would be a real hazard. " brinnngggggggggg"
"Come on James" shouted his friend Felix its time for maths class!
" oh boy I can't wait for maths can you James"
" not a second longer" So when they stamped down a long corridor till finally we found room 12 and opened the door carefully, What a site a class full of marbles! " role call" The teacher Mrs Klin shouted!
" Finn"
" Here"
" Felix"
" Here"
" Katy"
" Here"
" Charlotte"
" Here"
" and last but not least James"
" Here"
Now class We are going to be learning with marbles and PLEASE DON'T put them in your mouth!
So all of the class sat down on the floor and started to count the marbles, How many groups of 5 can you make with 20 marbles " 4 " shouted James
" good good"
Suddenly when Mrs Klin and the class had turned around James decided to see how many  Marbles he could fit in his mouth and once he had 4 in his mouth he thought that it was getting a bit dangerous but it was to late! Charlotte accidentally tripped over his ;leg and the marbles fell down his throat. nobody took any notice till he stood up in the front of every one and was doing chocking motion soon Finn said " he's chocking" so quickly Felix tried to push the marbles out and manged to get 3 out and then they called the ambulance he could breath now but there was still one left inside of him! He could breath but he wasn't. so quickly Charlotte gave him mouth to mouth, and he finally woke up just as the ambulance got here, and they took him away  Felix went with him! Thanks to Charlotte he's not Dead. They found out the good news in 4 days. He was okay! Now James listens to what people say! and now he is very carefully with marbles    

Sunday, June 23, 2013

My marble

I see my reflection through the shiny swirly sharp round ball, the little cracks reflect through the light. colorful rainbow colors show great open ideas, the speckles look like it is snowing- in a whole different world!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Healthy snacks!

Each whanau group went into the cooking room and made some muesli bar we added some walnuts, sugar, maple syrup, and some butter. After we had added everything we let it sit in the fridge for about 4 hours and Then I cut 2 bits up for every one! it was quit crumbly and it was very sweet but it was a nice snack! Then Charlotte, Huntah, Cole and I made.
Charlotte and I made sticky stuff! And Huntah and Cole made Walnut crackle.
( We all made Walnut Crackle, But Charlotte and mine was STICKY!  ) 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Walnut picking!

On Tuesday Brooke, Tyler and I drove up to the Pratt's house to collect walnuts. We had competitions on who could throw the most walnuts in the bucket at once - Ben Pratt threw 30 in at a time WOW!
I could only just hold 25 and I got 29 in at a time! They were all gathered in a big bunch and were trying to hide from the rake. They were all brown and most had just come out of their shell. They were wet and soggy When we got closer to filling the buckets up each of us had to pick 100 walnuts each and then we would go, I picked 120! Then we jumped in the car and I sat with my precious baby walnuts and we got back to school and put them all in trays in the cooking room.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Week 2 story

Suddenly the rocket blasts off! The smoke clouded up in a pile of fog as we lifted of the ground.
it was a short ride, Before we knew it we were on mars! As we settled down on our space mat, The shiny sun slides past leaving a trail of yellow. Soon we bring out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but.......
An Alien called Paul came and swiped them. " hey " Shouted Tom That my peanut butter sandwich. " not now sucker I'm trying to make a run for it"! Soon Steve the duck fly's above. " look out Steve" we shout!........................... To Be continued

Beards Farewell

On Friday we Fare-welled  the Beards With a Shared Lunch. We also Played some games like dodge ball.
Cole and I said a small speech! I can remember when Alex was little and Brooke and I used to Bathe Alex.!! Tom and I have been friends with Tom for a long long time! So has Ben! The Beards have been really really close to me my whole life they are just like another part of my family!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Camp recount 1

Camp Recount
It was over whelming as we stumbled upon the lodge. Birds flew above and their wings spread and soared over our heads. All different species; Weka's, Kaka's, Pukeko and Takahe. The Wekas and Pukeko and Takahe all stumble on the ground but the Kakas have all the trees to themselves.
When you're not looking, a Kaka will pounce on you and sit on your head as if it was nesting on my head for the first time. Their claws dig into your arm like a hook in a fish. The tail feathers hang out the back off your head; just like a bird hat. And last of all the beak pecks at the bread. Slowly its reaches further and further till suddenly it grabs the bread and pulls itself back up.
It was amazing to see all the different type of birds. It was funny because, in the morning, you would wake up and see all the birds would be up. Any time we were eating, the birds were there. But when we weren't there they would go and nest in the tip top of the trees! When we were eating the birds would come and hope for food AND FOOD THEY GOT!
The birds swarmed around him and suddenly he walked out the door and heaps of birds landed on him as if he were a run way for a plane! He chewed with his mouth open and a bird peered inside his mouth and come out with food! Zahn got the message to chew with his mouth closed.
All the little juniors screech as a bird perches on their shoulders!
As a bird perched on MY shoulder a sense of calmness released from my brain. But my mind made me screech out loud "Ahhh."
When I walked into my tent a Weka came sprinting out. It was nesting on our beds. Luckily it had not pooped anywhere. I think that it liked our messy room; in other words (pig sty). It was brown with sharp claws and a pointy beak and feet that run like crazy.
The Kakas were my favourite bird of the whole time we were on KAPITI ISLAND!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Triathalon 2013

Triathlon Reflection!
As i shot through the gate My legs already felt as if the were turning When I started on the road my heart was soooooo pumped.
I thought  in my head i'm nearly done but really I had just begun . 
I was really proud of myself because I did really well.
I had tried my hardest and i was pumped that i got 3rd!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

army visit

"Boom" as the sound of the smoke grenade filled the air with color. The purple and red set the back round for our picture. We scurry of to the next activity there we munched on some chocolate and some cream and sugar mixed together. " mmmmm" Logan sighs the goddess of the chocolate over takes us. Next activity,we go and shovel on some army disguise i other words make up for camouflage  Once we gad got ready for the running race we sprinted our hearts out.Soon we had a lollie scramble and watched then back up and said our thank yous and our goodbyes.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Karen the crayfish

Chapter 1  Fair Day!

Deep in the blue flowing Ocean, Karen the Crayfish munched on her Delicious dead worm.
Her mouth waters as she watches all the juice come screaming out.
 The more she munches the less she has to eat.
Finally she finishes and decides to go adventuring, As her claws dig into the sand and pull her forward 6 cm.
Suddenly a boost of energy arrives at her feet.
She races of "wow" Look I arrived at the Fish Fair.
Look at that bright indigo crab is having a race with the ferocious shark. The big beady eyes of the shark boldge as the clappers go off!
Off racing they go, Karen slowly creeps up behind them and follows gloomily.
They come closer to the end and Karen try's to take note of who takes the 1st place.
" GO SHARK" sharks friends Yell.
" GO CRAB" crabs friends yell.
" YOU CAN DO IT CRAB" Karen yells
 321 Crab takes the lead pushing each other along it comes to the end and Crab takes the win!
" YEHOOOO" Crab screeches. "
Soon Karen adventures off to the next activity off the fair!

Chapter 2    The Friend!

Yesterday you must have heard Karen's amazing site at the Fair, Today She is wandering around the food section of the Fair!
"WOW look at all these different type of foods" Karen exclaimed.
"there is crab cabbabs and Sea fried seahorse," There was a strange looking seal in the line. 
Karen asked the man " what are you going to order" 
" nothing why do you care no one cares about me"
" well i was just wondering because i don't know what i am going to get"
" ohhhh sorry i didn't know i am just a little bit grumpy because my mom made me move out of her house"
"oh you should of just said so its ok i will be your friend!" " would you like to walk around the fair with me"
" really i have never had a friend before"
" well then lets go!" " might i ask you seal what is your name"
" ohh sorry i completely forgot i'm Berny"
" well Berny im Karen"
" Karen that's an awesome name"
"thanks Bernys awesome too" As Karen and Berny walk around the fair it is nearly time to go home and come back for another day at the fair!
" Berny have you found a place to stay at"
" No!" Berny replied
" Karen smiled an eager smile Berny might you want to stay at my place until you can get a house built"
Off Course"
" well maybe once I've got enough money i can build a house next to yours but yes i would LOVE to stay at your house"
SO Karen AND Berny walked back to Karens house and got ready for another day of adventure!

The Sleep over Day

When Karen Woke up from her sleep she moseyed on down stairs to find Berny sitting on the stairs crying.
" whats wrong Berny"
"nothing" he replied
" come on Berny i'm your friend you can tell me Whats wrong"
" Ok im just missing my Mom a bit"
" Berny we can go see her today and then i will help you find a job" Karen thought in her head that maybe she shall find a job also!
So Berny and Karen set off on a journey to Berny moms house her name was Sarah the seal.
Once they arrived at Sarah's house they walked in and Berny gave her a ginormous hug, Karen was so pleased to see Berny soooooo happy.
Berny and his mom had a talk and Berny told her all about Karen and how he was staying at her house and every thing seemed to be fine, THEN Berny and Karen set of to the town and were looking for sites of jobs!


Karen and Berny stumble around the streets looking for JOB SIGNS, " Look" cried Karen " a fish deliverer job you deliver to the fair foods!"
 I could do that easy Berny shreked Hopefully they are looking for two creatures because i would like to do that to. 
They walked in they had a chat to the boss  man he was a Crab called Craig. They had a chat and Berny and Karen got assined to there first delivery job. 
Once they got there Karen relized that they were delivering to the place that they met. 
Karen was so pleased now that they had the job thing out of the way! 
They set of back to the house and sorted out how they would get to work every day, and what they would were,  and then they realized that they only work 3 times a week so they still have alot  of free time!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Poem apiti show 2013

Is the name
Don't get fooled by the cute cuddly face!

His head is helpful for eating bamboo
The beady eyes cutely suck up to his mum
White and black markings
Are incredible for lying
He says to all his friends
That they are battle scars

Guess what his favourite food is?
His mouth gobles bamboo ... in 5 seconds

His body has fast momentum
Because he is really fit
Loves to hop
And trumble about.
He races in the streets
And earns money for beating cheetahs

His neck is marvelous
For reaching out
All the high branches of bamboo are for him!
The only noise you will hear
When he is in the large  dark cave
Is  gobble, gobble, gobble
His neck is a bit annoying
When he  visits others
Because he has to sit outside
Even when its snowing
Cause he doesn't fit
In any other normal houses

He moves by hopping and leaping
The furthest he has ever hopped
Is two feet
Panraferoo can walk on two feet
You should see the humans reactions
When they see him!
When he wants to run
He sprints
When he sprints
you can't see his body or his shadow!
He can fly if he wants to

He lives in the desert in a cave
In the middle of an enormous plant
His mother snores
And his father eats smores
But his sister does nothing at ALL!

Loves bamboo
And leaves
And he keeps the food he doesn't eat for dinner in his pouch.

Well there you have it
You now know what to expect
When you meet panraferoo!

The weekend at the river!

Without thinking Brooke, Johnny and I crawled into the car and rushed down to the river. Johnny and i ran to the rope swing.
"3,2,1 cannon ball" I was already floating down stream. After i rolled out Johnny jumped in. Mum dived in and sat in the water. Finally Brooke swung off and all of us thought she had but really she just swung back. "OK" "Let's go down the hole and have a real swim," mum exclaimed.
Suddenly already we were swimming. Meanwhile mum set up her chairs and Brooke,Johnny and i were jumping off the rock. The rock was really big and shiny and SLIPPERY! When you jumped  you had to be careful of the rocks in the water and how slippery it was. As i floated down stream a branch caught my eye. When ever i came i always swang off it and pretended to be Tarzan.
After we glided back to the rock the noise of "wee woo hoo" filled my ears. When it was my turn i stood on the rock and thought, "Do i really want to back flip?"
Without thinking i just back flipped. While Johnny floated down the rapids i plunged to the bottom of the deep swaying river.
 As the river got colder, Mum bellowed, "5 more minutes." We all thought only like 5 more jumps. When we did more jumps we knew we had to go soon.
Finally we did our last jump, Then we staggered up the hill back to the car.