Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Camp recount 1

Camp Recount
It was over whelming as we stumbled upon the lodge. Birds flew above and their wings spread and soared over our heads. All different species; Weka's, Kaka's, Pukeko and Takahe. The Wekas and Pukeko and Takahe all stumble on the ground but the Kakas have all the trees to themselves.
When you're not looking, a Kaka will pounce on you and sit on your head as if it was nesting on my head for the first time. Their claws dig into your arm like a hook in a fish. The tail feathers hang out the back off your head; just like a bird hat. And last of all the beak pecks at the bread. Slowly its reaches further and further till suddenly it grabs the bread and pulls itself back up.
It was amazing to see all the different type of birds. It was funny because, in the morning, you would wake up and see all the birds would be up. Any time we were eating, the birds were there. But when we weren't there they would go and nest in the tip top of the trees! When we were eating the birds would come and hope for food AND FOOD THEY GOT!
The birds swarmed around him and suddenly he walked out the door and heaps of birds landed on him as if he were a run way for a plane! He chewed with his mouth open and a bird peered inside his mouth and come out with food! Zahn got the message to chew with his mouth closed.
All the little juniors screech as a bird perches on their shoulders!
As a bird perched on MY shoulder a sense of calmness released from my brain. But my mind made me screech out loud "Ahhh."
When I walked into my tent a Weka came sprinting out. It was nesting on our beds. Luckily it had not pooped anywhere. I think that it liked our messy room; in other words (pig sty). It was brown with sharp claws and a pointy beak and feet that run like crazy.
The Kakas were my favourite bird of the whole time we were on KAPITI ISLAND!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Triathalon 2013

Triathlon Reflection!
As i shot through the gate My legs already felt as if the were turning When I started on the road my heart was soooooo pumped.
I thought  in my head i'm nearly done but really I had just begun . 
I was really proud of myself because I did really well.
I had tried my hardest and i was pumped that i got 3rd!