As humans we like to believe we are the smartest, The greatest, the best. But is this a good thing! What if we weren't the smartest?
If we disrespected the value of life ... or the value of education our lives could be very different. When you are noticed as smart do you feel appreciated or is it just another regular day for you.
Well I’m here to explain my version of this world and the values we shouldn’t take for granted! Let me describe another possible version of our world.
Now everybody close your eyes and look into the future and imagine there is a Liondog. It is smarter than you! You didn't ace the spelling bee or you didn't win the mathex competition because of this silly little smart proud Liondog! Do we really need to feel the pressure of this shame? NO.
Now pretend you are in the grocery shop and you expect more change but the shopkeeper says, “No 1+1 = 2 not 3.” Or maybe they say to you are you hallucinating, because they think you are so ... Un smart!
When you think about it, when kids learn at school the only competition they have is other kids from other schools! Certainly not the competition of a Liondog!
Where would humans stand if there was another species that was smarter than us.
Would we be in control?
Or maybe we wouldn't want to be in control?
Would our ideas have any input on the earth?
We wouldn’t have any control over what decisions were made because the smartest is usually very careful with decisions. Where would we be on the food chain? Maybe they might start selling kid kebabs or maybe Dad drink Or EVEN FEET food! I mean since we used to be the smartest and learnt to go hunting and fishing ... maybe they might learn that to. WE might be dinner or killed for no reason. Or maybe we might be put in cages and owned like our pets! We might even get really weird names! Would we have to get smarter to get jobs ... because if you don't know what you're doing you're not going to get paid! And we need to get paid to look after our families and to make sure we can get food and live in a house! What if the government didn't let us have any say about what we do and when things are going to happen!
Would we have conflict! I mean anything could happen if we didn't get along, Maybe our world might turn into the hunger games. How unfair! We wouldn’t get a choice to fight but we would do it for our pride. This might cause a war between the two species and what if that species over populated the world. How could we possibly want to live in a world where we were known as DUMB. Nations conflict worldwide shows that conflict has meant many deaths in our nations. But it has mostly been between different states arguing about nuclear bombs! Would we like it if many years of conflict affected our children’s learning and getting on with life! NO!
Or do we want to live in a world with arguing or being called DUMB! NO!
How would you feel? Because I would feel like I had no point in being in this world!
So don’t underestimate others around you
Who knows .. they might pop up and be smarter than you!
Respect others
Respect the value of education
Respect the value of life