Yaju Cheng has been at our school for the past week. Yaju is from Beijing. In China she is a secondary school teacher. She teaches English and in China English is taught as a foreign language. We have learnt some Chinese and things about the Chinese culture. I learnt how to count to 10 in Chinese.
It has been one of the best experiences ever to learn Chinese from a Chinese person.
The other day we made dumplings and the whole school got the opportunity to make them. Even our 5 year olds made some.
While Yaju has been here we are teaching her English. We have to speak extra slow so she can understand and sometimes we teach her new words.
We have been doing Chinese finger painting with her.
I have really enjoyed spending the week and learning about a new culture and language. Yaju is a very nice person and I hope she will visit again. Thank you Yaju for coming. I hope you enjoyed learning from us and we REALLY enjoyed learning from you.