Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Writing sample 2014

I usually don't like staying at my Aunty and Uncles, but this time i am very excited because I was soon to have another baby cousin. I arrived at there Tall brick house already feeling gloomy, as I dragged myself into there brown door. I was surprised to not have any small body's bouncing around me. Instead there was complete silence. Suddenly there was a small wail that came from the new baby's room. I was Confused because the baby wasn't due till Friday and it was only Wednesday. I wander into the quiet  still room Peering over the tall crib rails I see a small still Body. Gorgeous Green eyes, soft cheeks and Golden blonde hair. wrapped in a puffy soft blanket. Firstly i was surprised and glad then my Aunty came in and mumbled "this is your new baby cousin Bridget" I then was nearly screaming With happiness because I finally a baby girl cousin. The small eyelids sparkle in the reflection of the sun, she was a beautiful as a butterfly. After one year I go and stay with Aunty and Uncle. Now I wasn't feeling so dull and gloomy because i had a special little girl to play with. Her beautiful gummy mouth scoffed down a mashed mushy banana. As Bridget grows older her cheeks get more chubby she almost looks as if she is saving a hole watermelon for later. Pre school years were great for her she grew more intelligent and wise, But of course now she can have help from her two older brothers. Jonty 4 years older dark silky brown hair green eyes that softly flicker in the wind. Hugo 2 years older has soft white hair nearly as bright as snow! two gorgeous brothers to look up to plus she has a caring and loving family, Also i forgot to tell you She is going to be a big sister next year.  

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