Part 1
23 hours left in the day 6 to get away from the cops and the rest, well i don't know what to do with my time. I live my life running away from the cops and sitting by myself wondering how I stuffed my life up so bad. I rest on the garden tools that are surrounding me in a strangers garden shed which at the moment i call home. Days just fly by right in front of my eyes. Meanwhile I figit through my pockets to grab out my phone. I check the date and my grin just faded away. I felt as if I had just melted. How could this happen I am sitting in an old garden shed while my Aunty and Mum celebrate there birthday they are probably worried sick about me. I missed there birthday because of people accusing me of the murder of my father. I remember the night vividly as if it were yesterday, dad and I wandered down to the dairy to get some bread and milk. We were happily minding our own business when a man in Beliclaver pounced on my dad out of nowhere. I screamed in horror as the man held my dad pinned heavily on the ground. All I could think about was what do in self defense, So I grabbed the man by the neck and and tried to shake if of my dads still body. My hands dripping with blood, I called the cops. But as soon as I had dialed 11 the man had scampered off. The cops pulled up outside the surrounded building. They took one look at my dad and said I'm sorry son but your father has passed. I filled up with tears. But i didn't have time to wobble away as the cops were questioning me about what had happened. I explained it all exactly as it happened. /
The man was a sneaky pro and had left no trace which made it harder for me to give proof. The cops didn't believe me about the blood on my hands and said that it matched the marks on my dad. I pleaded and said about the man jumping on him and how i tried to get him of but it wasn't enough and they drove me down to the station. But know you are probably wondering how did i end up in a garden shed. Well to explain it simple I made a runner at the station. I began to tear up again at the thought of loosing my best friend my dad but i didn't know which pain was worse dad being gone or the pitch fork that was stabbing me in the back. /
Somehow I had to find out the secret that lay beneath the attack and to find out who that man was!
Part 2
My Thoughts deepened as I grief about my dad. The part that saddened me the most was the fact that my mum didn't believe me when I told her i didn't do it. Flash backs zip through my mind of the night. " am I the only one that knows i didn't do it" I thought in my head. But then I think about the man that actually did it. I am going to track him down and get the pay back he deserves. I know it will b hard for an 18 year old to kill someone but i know it will be possible. What he had to my dad was teranic and unrepayable. I was going to get even with him even if i die doing that./
Suddenly I hear sirens in the faint distance. Blue and Red colors circle around the area. I suddenly change into Panic mode, I creep slowly out the cracked window. The shattered glass just sweeps softly over my uncovered calf muscles. I hide my head lowly under cover of my hoddie. It seem that the position I am in now is nearly the same every week. Me running and the cops chasing after me. Every part of my body froze. Turned my head towards the cops. They were shoving my mother into a prison car. How could they accuse her of the murder when she wasn't even in the country when it happened. My first instinct was to go over there and hand myself in but i knew that wasn't going to happen. I scrambled back to my hideout. I dived through my bag searching for some food, But i knew i didn't have any:( /
I constantly thought about my mum getting taken away. I was just hopping that she was going to be ok. Suddenly I heard foot steps coming on the right of the shed. I panicked. Now i could hear voices. It was summer so I think that the owners were coming o get some tools to do some gardening. I slowly creeped yet again out of the cracked window. But this time it doesn't sweep softly over my leg. The glass pinched inside my leg. Blood started swiftly rushing out of my leg. I held my arm tightly over the glass. I know some bad things about being on the run you cant go to hospital when you need to.
Part 3
Wow good story