Monday, March 23, 2015

Camp writing - day 4

Shoving our way through the swarms of people we all started to get just that tiny bit more excited. It was the same as the trip there as we were fighting our way aboard the huge vessel. As soon as we had all made ourselves comfy the only thing we had left to do was wait for another 30 minutes so all the other passengers could get onto the boat.
Suddenly the ocean came to life as if we were riding on a giant robot's back. The side of the boat collided with the hard brick docking wharf. As we pushed away from the side, the inside of the boat started to creak. It sounded like a group of people murmuring to each other. I glared out the window and gazed at the dark crystal blue ocean.
Eventually the boat had glided down into the Cook Straight. The boat rises up and lowers back down as if we were riding on a whale ... Except when we slowly lowered down to the ground it was like we had hit a ginormous earth quake. I stumbled my way down the hall way to the bathroom, On my way I clenched a tight grip around any object that was close by to help with my balance. I pretty much scooted my way on the ground to the bathroom. My stomach felt like it just got hit by a wrecking ball as the waves hit the boat.

1 comment:

  1. how cool hannah sounds like u went on a really cool camp and i like how u used lots of decription well i no because i went

    from brooke
